RE: Wintron transformers

From: Bret Pehrson <>
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 17:56:43 EDT

Well, ok -- I haven't paid much attention to Amplifone HV units for the past
6 months, but I *thought* I saw them go for around that late last year... I
could be dreaming, though. I just searched completed items on eBay and one
went for $235 (w/ a brand new Wintron).

So, ignore my $100 price in my response, but in answer to the original
question, buying a working HV board (w/ Wintron) is an alternative place to
locate a Wintron HVT. Anyone else know where to get them (at a potentially
discounted cost)?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2001 2:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Wintron transformers
> In a message dated 7/6/2001 1:29:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Yeah -- buy a HV board w/ a working one on it. I've seen them
> for under
> $100
> on eBay once in a while. >>
> An Amplifone HV board with a working Wintron for under $100!!
> WoW!! Are you
> sure you don't mean a working Amplifone HV with a working red HVT???
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