For sale: MH Repro roller batch 2

From: Mark E Davidson <>
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 14:11:18 EDT

One more time.
Seems that I put enough repro rollers together to give the official
blessing to distribute more.
So once again we are putting up the order form for vector list members

Rules of engagement:
The special Vector list price will remain effective for 30 days, after
8/24/01, the full roller will be sold
For $125. so get your orders in soon! Paypal accepted and will ship the
following day, cash, check and money order payments will be accepted,
but your order will only be held for 30 days. If payment does not arrive
with in the 30 days, you order will be canceled and you roller will be
re offered you sale.

No limits on this run, I think I made enough for every one who will ever
want one.


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Received on Tue Jul 24 11:40:51 2001

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