If we can design a 19kv circuit, is there anything else that we need to consider? I can't see anything from the schematics that should
be a problem except for possibly the focus assembly.
peter jones wrote:
> I dont know why you would want to build a transformer for a known bad circuit.
> there are 1000's of transformers available on the spares market for around $20 for tv's.
> if you know what output voltages you need, and we do know
> then just find a suitable match, and design a circuit to give the correct drive.
> when i get the time i will do exactly that.
> i already got a 26" chassis from a medium-res wells-gardner(raster) and fitted a g08 yoke.
> my next move is to make the electronics.
> i would suggest choosing a transformer designed for the most common type of tv in your country, it keeps the cost down.
> in europe that would be a philips G90 or CP110 transformer, i have schematics to the CP110 and already know the drive requirments.
> THE TRANSFORMERS ARE 12 (US$17)!!!!!!!!!!
> c.u.
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