On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 12:50:25 +0400, "peter jones" <highwayman2000@mail.ru>
>just because a flyback 'ran' from the reflected energy from the horizontal yoke
>dont mean it has to, ever seen a digital LOPT tester?
It will run at less energy, as the LOPT tester does.
>all it uses is a micro-controller.
>i was thinking of using a pic to generate a 15Khz sweep type pulse, followed by a pulse transformer to increase current.
And regulation?
>the transformers used in vector games are no different to the ones in raster monitors & tv's.
Well except for primary voltage differences, and then of course the Amplifone
where the HV transformer is part of a tuned circuit, along with the MC1, that is
apparently used to regulate HV voltage. (The HV voltage is adjusted by changing
the "frequency" of the oscillator timer.)
>you may even find that one of the vector company's used the same transformer as in there raster monitors, i dont know - but it is possible.
Only if you can find a flyback that is used in a battery powered CRT. Or
perhaps some of the newer raster monitor have 24v ~ 50v internal supplies that
are used to run the HV section.
Of all the schematics I looked at (all of them raster monitors used in Arcade
machines) the primary of the flyback was driven from the rectified 120vac
Vector monitors run their "flybacks" from the low voltages used to run the
monitor (+/-25, +/-30v and +/-50v). They have less windings in there primary
than typical raster flybacks.
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Received on Fri Jul 13 14:55:26 2001
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