VECTOR:Major Havoc reset problems

From: jerry madsen <>
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 15:34:50 EDT

      Recently I have ran into a problem whith
my MH board,it resets often like if you were to turn
it off and back on again(The board is working perfect
accept for this problem),I know it is not the audio
reg board because I can put the board in my Black
Widow/Gravitar game and I have no problem.Dont think
it's the power supply but not to long ago I blew the
20 amp fuse {F3} on the power supply while my MH board
in the game(MH/Tempest conversion,Tempest cabinet).Any
sugestions please let me know.Thanks.

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Received on Tue Jul 17 16:00:36 2001

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