RE: FYI: Cosmic Chasm control knob information

From: Jenison Mark-QA3578 <>
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 10:00:52 EDT

> The sample has arrived and it looks exactly like his pictures
> except it doesn't have
> the indicator line (that's a GOOD thing, right?). It is a
> nice shiny aluminum in
> color. If there is any interest I can order up a bunch (10
> minimum for my order, no
> minimum for any of you). They had told me they had 150
> available, seriously doubt
> we need that many.

Like I said, I can think of about 5 immediate needs at this time. I'm still
waiting to see how the repro Cosmic Chasm overlay is coming along (be
patient, do not email me about this at this time), but it might be a nice
time to update your CC if they are close enough.

> Who gets the free sample? Probably the guy that started this
> thread. Please send
> me your address so I can send it to you and you can better
> evaluate if it is exactly
> right or not.

Thanks Rodger. I'll do a side-by-side analysis with pics so people can see
for themselves.

Mark Jenison
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Received on Thu Jul 5 10:39:05 2001

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