RE: Trouble with Asteroids Deluxe monitor

From: jason Milsom <>
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 00:06:23 EDT

Sounds like you've got a monitor problem. Is the red LED on the monitor
on all the time? Does the filament glow in the back of the picture tube?
Can you tell if your high voltage is working (high pitched sound and
static electricity around front of tube? Assuming you have a G05 monitor
there are five fuses on the deflection board (the one mounted on the
right side when looking at the back of the monitor. Have a look at
those. Unfortunately Asteroids Dlx is a difficult game to work on the
monitor while in the machine due to the way it is mounted. You may want
to slide it out of the cabinet (two bolts, comes out from the back in
its plywood frame) and set it somewhere where you can work on it but the
connector still reaches. Please note: if you are not familiar with safe
monitor handling techniques proceed with caution or seek local help.

Jason Milsom

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