-----Original Message-----
From: Adin Petisca <apetisca@earthlink.net>
To: vectorlist@synthcom.com <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Date: Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:57 PM
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Trouble with Asteroids Deluxe monitor
>The game does play and all of the fuses are good. I do have +5v.
Can you see an orange glow in the neck of the picture tube? If not, you may
have a weak fuse or bad fuse holder down in the bottom of the cabinet.
Can you hear the deflection in the monitor? In a quiet room, during attract
mode, you can listen to the monitor chattering as it moves the electron beam
around. If you can hear that but still can't get any picture, you may not
have any high voltage.
While we're at it, you may want to check the deflection board. Bad solder
joints are commonplace on these things.
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Received on Thu Aug 16 21:09:44 2001
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