Re: G05 issue? part swaps

From: James G Watt <>
Date: Mon Sep 03 2001 - 19:11:53 EDT

>Slight problem. The 10 pin connector on the monitor (p500) has the key
>pin at position 4. The deflection board (issue 6 according to the screen
>print) has the Key on pin 5!
>pin 4 is a repeat of pin2.
>pin5 goes nowhere but there's a hole that looks like a jumper wire could
>be attached there.

Right. on further inspection I noticed the pin 4 is unused (it's just a
GND connected to pin2) and pin 5 is ALSO unused.... There's no wire in
the plug where it connects to them in my WORKING monitor (which has the
key on pin 4 incidentally).

SO I'm guessing I could get away with just moving the location pin plug
on the connector and plug it in as is.

Anyone what to tell me why this may be a bad idea before I blow the
thing up?

James G Watt
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