G05 deflection board compatibility again

From: James G Watt <kinetic-arts_at_ntlworld.com>
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 08:44:29 EDT

Still can't figure this out.

My 13/15" G05 monitor has a 10 pin connector that goes to the deflection
board. Pin 4 is the key pin. pin 5 has a white wire going to the HV

The deflection board I want to use has the key on pin 5. oin 5 has no
connection but it does lead to a pad which looks like a jump wire could
be attached.

Anyone know how to convert either the monitor or the deflection board to
work with one another?

Curiously my OTHER 15" monitor also has the key on pin 4 but there's no
wire going prom pin 5 to the HV section.

James G Watt
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