That sounds like an EHT from a Well Gardner 19v2000
monitor. Check out this link and see if it matches
your board:
--- James G Watt <kinetic-arts@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> AH!
> I extracted the EHT pcb to see where this rogue wire
> goes... (p900 pin4
> as it happens) BUT this isn't the same as the pcb in
> the manual. It's
> larger and has P300 screened on the top of the
> board. The board still
> has a connector P900 but apart from that it's not
> the same as the
> schematic in the TM-151_G05 manual :-(
> Anyone know about this board? all i need to know is
> 'what is pin 4'.
> ---
> James G Watt
> http://www.kinetic-arts.co.uk
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