RE: Major Havoc

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 16:13:20 EDT

Okay, I refreshed my memory...

Level 17 is the same as level 13 except you have access to the
Clock which slows down all robots and sparkoids. Level 17 is actually
Easier than level 13 so Im not sure why it would be so difficult?

Here is the rundown....

Drop into the maze, pick up the red key in the left nook. Jump over
The double ion cannon shots and drop down into the bottom part of the
maze, avoid the sparkoids and pick up the yellow key. Then, jump back up
The level with the ion cannon, avoid the shots and jump over the ion
Cannon while it is in it's down position shooting two more shots. Jump
Up to the right nook and open the red door and touch the clock.
And robots now will move at half speed. Jump up and balance on the tip
Of the wall to the upper left of the right nook. Time your jump up and
to the left so that you can make it over or under the vertical moving
sparkoid, grab the flashing key and continue to the left to the
beginning of the maze again. Now you basically need to re-traverse the
maze and get back to the balancing part. Instead of jumping up and to
the left, fall down to the left and avoid the robot. Jump up to the left
and open the yellow door and flip the 'finger' to it's disabled position
(up). Drop back down to the right, head left and go through the flashing
door. Avoid the two sparkoids the the formerly mentioned robot and touch
the reactor. GET OUT!

Level 18,19 and maybe 21 (can't remember) are ones that I created. If
anyone has any feedback on them please let me know as I would like to
see how difficult they are for you all.

I will be making all the original levels easier now so that it is
actually possible to get to levels 18-24. :-)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of jerry madsen
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Major Havoc

I think he is talking about level 17 on return to
vax(Mame),I still cant get through that level no mater
how many guys I have.Does anybody else know how to get
through it.

--- Jeff Sanders <> wrote:
> Major Havoc??? never heard of it..... ;)
> Wrong list dude.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: dann pennington
> To: none none
> Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 5:30 PM
> Subject: VECTOR: Major Havoc
> Hi everybody,my name is Dann Pennington I have a
> question about a game nammed Major havoc,or Major
> Havoc Return To Vaxx,I need to know about level
> 17,and more if you know it,It was written by the
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Received on Wed Sep 5 13:19:41 2001

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