I have avoided all vids like the plague that had vector monitors in them. It
took a year before I got "comfortable" with repairing raster monitors. Now I
can look at most and know what they are and usually am able to fix 9/10.
Well, I bought out a warehouse of games and guess what, must be at least 20
that have (or should have) vectors in them. Asteroids, Space Invaders, all
Here is my newbie questions to start me off:
1) Where is a list of all games using vector monitors?
2) Where is a list of all of the different types of vectors (by model #)?
3) Which monitors can be swapped in the place of others?
4) Can regular tubes be used on vectors as they can be on rasters?
5) When working on these monitors, is there any way you can screw up and mess
up the monitor and/or mess up the game.
Thanks, Dean
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Received on Sun Sep 23 21:10:41 2001
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