Re: Hi, My name is Dean and I am a Vector Virgin

Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 01:45:00 EDT


Here's a good starting point.

--- wrote:
> I have avoided all vids like the plague that had vector monitors in them. It
> took a year before I got "comfortable" with repairing raster monitors. Now I
> can look at most and know what they are and usually am able to fix 9/10.
> Well, I bought out a warehouse of games and guess what, must be at least 20
> that have (or should have) vectors in them. Asteroids, Space Invaders, all
> kinds.
> Here is my newbie questions to start me off:
> 1) Where is a list of all games using vector monitors?
> 2) Where is a list of all of the different types of vectors (by model #)?
> 3) Which monitors can be swapped in the place of others?
> 4) Can regular tubes be used on vectors as they can be on rasters?
> and
> 5) When working on these monitors, is there any way you can screw up and mess
> up the monitor and/or mess up the game.
> Thanks, Dean

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Received on Sun Sep 23 22:50:45 2001

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