Re: asteroids monitor woes :-(

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 12:18:04 EDT

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, thomas.angus wrote:

> now it looks indeed as though chris is right, and the hv diode is causing a
> short when it gets hot [to recap in my g05-802], and making the powerblock
> buzz like an unhappy buzzy thing... im finding it a little harder to locate
> a replacement for the:
> by-208-600 [fast recovery diode]
> by-208-1000 [fast recovery diode] (i am assuming this is the "hv diode"?)

Hmm -- the HV diode I'm thinking of is connected in-line from the output of
the transformer, trough the HV wire to the tube (red wire, has the 'suction
cup' on to the glass).

This should be an H1812, and crosses to SK7333 or ECG/NTE 527A, netiher of
which are cheap, $10-$15 if I recall.

Omar V. on the list was selling Actual Real H1812's a month or so ago
(bought a few spares myself.)

Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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