Gratuitous Vector (Tempest) Sighting

From: Noel Johnson <>
Date: Sun Oct 14 2001 - 17:46:41 EDT

Hello All!

Just watched "Premium Blend" on Comeday Central at 1pm CDT. It's a show
highlighting several standup comedians. A fully working Tempest and
Centipede were used as a couple of the main background props on the
stage. There was also a Midway Sea Wolf on the other side of the
stage. Throughout the hour-long show the Tempest was clearly visible
dozens of times and from a variety of angles (including complete views
of the sideart and front of the game)!!!! ;-) The screen seemed a bit
jittery at times (mathbox probs?), but that may have been due to the
frequency of the video cameras used.

Very Cool!

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Received on Sun Oct 14 14:54:49 2001

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