Re: Ugh, I screwed up my monitor

From: jerry madsen <>
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 06:41:04 EDT

    Had same problem,check P600,P700 on the deflection
board.with the game on wiggle the connections and see
if sometime you get a full picture.The solder joints
on the board go bad often due to unpluging and pluging
the connector back in.Re-solder the connectors on the
board and hopefully it will fix it.If not,one of your
case transistors has went bad or connections on them
are bad.

--- Dan <> wrote:
> So, while trying to diagnose what's dead in my
> Tempest
> by using my Gravitar parts (I'm knew at this, bear
> with me). I managed to collapse the top half of the
> image on my Gravitar, It's squished into about two
> lines, right in the middle, the bottom half looks
> perfect. Help! :) Any pointers on what's probably
> wrong, and where to look at for a basic monitor FAQ
> would be great.
> The only positive part of this experience is I found
> out my Tempest monitor does work (with a few extra
> lines going out to graphics from the center). -dan
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