Perhaps this is an interesting starting point.
I was thinking a while back about the fact that spare parts for vector
monitors are getting more and more scarce. I briefly looked into
building a small board that would take analog vector inputs (x, y, and 3
z's) and would use an old SVGA ISA or PCI video card to output to a
standard computer monitor. Now I haven't done any serious work like
this since college, and I'm really not sure what it would take, but it
seems to be pretty easy thing to acomplish with a microcontroler, and it
should be powerful enough to put in features like anti-aliasing and
Does somebody with more hardware experience know how difficult this
would be to prototype?
-- Mitch
On Thursday, October 18, 2001, at 06:56 , Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2001 wrote:
>> does any one even like the idea of connecting there arcade vector pcb
>> to
>> the computer?? to be able to play any vector game????
> Perhaps the problem is this is very general. What exactly do you want
> to
> connect -- the monitor outputs, the CAT box text pins, the controls,
> etc ?
> And what do you want to do with it once it is connected ?
> ==========================================================
> Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
> WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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