On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Mitch Patenaude wrote:
> I was thinking a while back about the fact that spare parts for vector
> monitors are getting more and more scarce. I briefly looked into
Why do you say that ? About the only part that is currently NOT available
is the 'mystery red can' on the ampliphone HV board. Some parts are
expensive for what they are, but we are only talking about $15 for a diode
that should cost $1, and that's because it's serious overkill -- it also
isn't likely to fail again. It's still cheaper than replacing a whole
> building a small board that would take analog vector inputs (x, y, and 3
> z's) and would use an old SVGA ISA or PCI video card to output to a
> standard computer monitor. Now I haven't done any serious work like
Once you've done that, you might as well just run MAME, and avoid the
unreliable old game board too. You're not going to get the distinctive
'look' of a vector monitor.
(Not to just jump on you here -- this subject HAS come up before. I've just
sumaraized the discussion from the last time. :-)
Chris Candreva -- chris@westnet.com -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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Received on Thu Oct 18 09:55:22 2001
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