> i managed to get a battlezone board to 'hang' with a static screen... god
> knows how, i was just poking it and shit to find another fault..
> also a friends machine will 'hang' of its own accord once it warms up..
> stationary picture....
> it must be possible..
> maybe i should take the screwdriver to the BZ and see if i can get it to do
> it again..
That's because games like Asteroids have a "don't advance" option (Halt)
that has software support for it. My point being stopping the processor
will NOT work and the HALT switch is nothing more than a pin that the main
foreground code reads to decide whether or not it should advance. It does
not halt the CPU.
I remember this very vividly on every vector game I wound up emulating. If
the main processor doesn't issuae a write to the DMAGO address, the vector
generator will not draw anything and the display will go blank. Caused me
no end of pain when I had it in the wrong state - the code would sit &
spin on a bit that would never change.
Neil Bradley All your base MIDI channel are belong to us.
Synthcom Systems, Inc. All your FreeBSD are belong to us.
ICQ #29402898 Ban low performance drivers, not high performance cars.
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