Last night I finally got around to working on my Start Wars
after having a Wintron HV unit sitting on my bench for 2+
years. I downloaded the Amplifone FAQ and the corrected
Wintron install instructions (thanks to those who put in
the effort). My only problem is that the section of the
Amplifone FAQ where it describes how to install the Wintron
HV has an error.
It explains that there are connectors (as you look at the
solder side of the board) at 7:00, 8:00, 11:00, 1:00, 2:00,
4:00, and 5:00 ... but then it tells you to connect the
green wire at 9:00. I was looking at the FAQ posted at :
After reading through it a few times and looking at the
"corrected" Wintron instructions, I hooked green up at
11:00. I was also not sure how to orient the new HV uint
as it takes up quite a bit of RE on the board.
Please take a look at some pics I took and let me know if I
got this thing right (warning, long URL that might get
split by your mailer):
Thanks very much.
Dan Rasmussen
PS Joel, those new thumb buttons are going in this week
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