RE: Vector Virgin Has a question

From: Jon Kotek <>
Date: Sun Nov 11 2001 - 19:28:11 EST

Jeez, I wasn't riding him at all, I guess I should have added a smiley on the
end of the "Common raster thinking" I did the same thing when I first got my
Tempest. I think all vid game collectors think the same as Dean has, I know
I was rather scared of vector games for awhile, now I would rather work on a
vector monitor then a raster one.

Dean, sorry if my comment came off as snide, we were all newbies once on this


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jon Kotek []
> > Subject: Re: VECTOR: Vector Virgin Has a question
> >
> > Common raster thinking, the screen adjustments are on the PCB not the
> > monitor.
> >
> > Jon
> Jon, why don't you cut the guy some slack, he prefaced his question by
> saying
> he was new. In fact you probably owe him an apology for that snide remark
> you
> made, unless you'd like to show *all of us* where the centering controls are
> on a Star Castle CPU board.
> Dean, in a nut shell:
> - Put SC in test mode
> - Make sure all of the lines connect where they're supposed to
> - Make sure everything is the correct size
> - Finally, use magnetic centering rings on yoke to center image
> If you have any questions on doing this, *read* the manual.
> If you don't have the manual, there's a Rip Off manual on spies,
> which is close enough.
> -Mark
> P.S. There's also a small chance the overlay may have slipped.

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