Vector Virgin Has a question

From: <>
Date: Sun Nov 11 2001 - 13:56:31 EST

Hi guys. Been quietly sitting back, reading yall's post. Making copies to
keep in my library. Well, I picked up a Star Castle, a Tempest and an Omega
Race last weekend. Yall said to go ahead, that yall would hold my hand
through this. So here is my first problem. The Star Castle is off center from
the colored overlay. It is about 1" too low and 1/2" too much to the left. I
have stared at this monitor for 2 hours and do NOT see any adjustments except
brightness. How do I move the screen up & down & sideways?
These monitors make me feel like I am having sex for the first time again.
Only now I'm 46, not 14. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Dean

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Received on Sun Nov 11 11:11:13 2001

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