Battlezone looks like Tempest???

From: <>
Date: Thu Nov 15 2001 - 00:27:41 EST

Hi again all. It's the Vector Virgin. (Well, just shorten it to VV)
Got my Battlezone up and running. (Love that game) But here are my problems I
have not been able to iron out, so I thought I would bring it to the experts:
1) The screen has a bright dot right in the middle of the action. Pretty
2) There are about 8 very thin lines of light going out from that dot to the
edge of the screen. Sometimes they move sort of like in Tempest.
3) After about 20 minutes of play, everything goes dead for about 3 minutes.
No screen, no lights on the buttons, you cannot coin up, no sound, NOT SHIT.
But just wait about 3-4 minutes and everything comes back up at once. Usually
seems to happen during an explosion. (Guess that sounds crazy... could there
be any connection?)
Well, that's about all wrong. I am so proud of this find. This thing sat up
in a closed bar for 11 years before I got it. (91-01). Before that, he had it
in his bar (he bought it brand new in 80). With only adults playing it, it
didn't get torn up. Because it was never moved, there is not 1 scratch on the
side art. No shit, this thing almost like it came out of the box after I
cleaned all of the tar & nicotine off of it. (No offense to smokers... I
smoke). Speaking of smoking, NO CIGARETTE BURNS ON IT EITHER. Now, if the
boss (Wife) will just let me keep it. Anyway, any assistance is greatly
appreciated. Dean

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