Re: Dead Asteroids

From: Phil Morris <>
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 13:38:55 EST

> > This is a G05 801 - is there a cap kit or similar for this earlier
> can always read the value of the capacitors and order them
> separately.

I was going to do that, but only if it was certain a cap kit wasn't

> I'm not sure if there is a cap kit difference between the 801
> and 802 (someone else help out here?)

I believe there is, yes.

> > BTW, the LED on the main board is also lit.
> Then likely it is getting at least the +5VDC. However, I think the other
> voltages are necessary to even get a display.

I'll check them all out and see where that gets me. First though, I'm going
to give the innards a darn good clean. :)


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