Re: Dead Asteroids + AR1 demystified?

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 18:56:39 EST

i need to update my AR document that was passed around a while back to include more info on the AR1...

i have recently come across different revisions of AR1 board now, so i do need to re-write the document up, but i'd like a bit more research and info before i do change it..

there are 4 games that use an 'Audio Regulator board' or what we collectors call an 'AR1' these are:
Asteroids Deluxe, Asteroids, Lunar Lander and 4 player football. Later games like battlezone onwards use the 'AR2'

I don't have the info on 4 player football so i'm unable to comment on specifics, it could possibly have been the 'missing' AR1-02 revision.

usage :

A034485-01 : Asteroids and Lunar Lander straight plug n chug swappable with each other.

A034485-02 : Possibly 4 player football ? i have no evidence for this tho :)

A034485-03 : Asteroids Deluxe

AR1-01 boards in asteroids and lunar lander are straight swappable.

AR1-03 boards will work in an -01 setup with some plug hacking. J8 is a different connector, but same pin number assignment.

AR2 -02 boards will work in an AR1-03 plug n chug, no messing, the 36vac section goes unused..

essentially, the AR1-03 is identical to the later AR2-02 but without the 36vac regulation on the other side.

To use an AR1-01 in an Asteroids deluxe, you would need to tie pin 7 of J7 to GND this is an audio disable circuit which by the schematics own admission on asteroids and lunar lander isn't even used. if this is not grounded then you will get no audio :)

Are you suitably confused now?

as i say it needs writing up properly, but those are the basics surrounding the AR1.

if anyone has a 4 player football manual/schematics to sell then please let me know ;)


  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 10:23 PM
  Subject: Re: VECTOR: Dead Asteroids

  I am looking at 2 Asteroids Deluxe right now. One has an AR board, the other an AR II. Since neither are working, I can't say this or that works. Yall were right. My AR board did put out 5.3, until it had a load, then it went to 2.4. However, I tested all of the components, and all check OK. (That is if they can accurately be checked in circuit) Guess it's time to email Bob Roberts. Dean
  Question??? Can I sub a switcher just to see if it works with the right power?

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