> I realize also that it would not exist without the time Neil Bradley and
> perhaps others spend making it happen. In appreciation of that I'd like to
> make a suggestion that anyone who desires could send in $1 to Neil et al as
> a thank you.
> I hope this suggestion does not offend anyone. It is of course completely
> voluntary and anonymous. I am in no way related to Neil other than as a
> beneficiary, like all the rest of us, of the Vectorlist service he provides.
> Neil: thanks! and do you have a PayPal account?
I appreciate the sentiment, but the vector list (and raster list) have
both existed before I came around. I simply took them over for a couple of
different reasons. Synthcom would be here even if neither list existed,
and both lists would be somewhere else if I didn't have them.
If any of you feel the need to donate to the list or to me, please do not.
I don't need the money, and it's out of love for the games that I maintain
the lists.
There are thousands of others who could use the cash more than me. I
recommend supporting your local charity or church - whichever suits your
fancy. Or perhaps dropping a quarter or two at the local arcade on behalf
of Vectorlist/Rasterlist will help keep the memory of classic arcades
alive a bit longer...
Neil Bradley Whoever said "Money can't buy happiness" didn't have
Synthcom Systems, Inc. a lot of money.
ICQ #29402898
** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the
** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other
** questions, comments, or problems to neil@synthcom.com.
Received on Sat Dec 15 01:39:54 2001
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