would have to agree with John..
classic symptom if the coin mechs are clicking over continuoesly, there
isn't enough juice gettng the the main board which indicates a bad connector
eventually knocking the voltage below a certain level, or the psu is on its
way out.
i think its somethign to do with the transistors on the main board used for
clicking the coin counter over not being able to keep the junction
open/closed because of an out-of-spec voltage and they break down, then kick
in then break down, then click in, this just rolls them coin counters over
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Robertson" <jrr@flippers.com>
To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: vector: starwar dead :(
> If no self test, then check that you have +5VDC at the MPU test points...
> John:-#)#
> At 05:49 PM 12/17/01 +1200, you wrote:
> >my starwars die last night it's reseting and the coin counter is clicking
> >the sound
> >broad
> >is doing all strang things. my tempest did this and in the end it was
> >just the ram.
> >
> >
> >has any one had/fix this?? any help would do... "don't tell me to (dis
> >dog)"
> >:P
> >
> >tar
> >
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