Digging through the parts I've bought over the years to fix my games, I ran
across a bag of transistors with this part on them:
and that's best I can read. Bought 1999 from Mouser, before they put
printed labels on the bag so you cold tell what you bought. I'm 99% sure
they were to bought to fix a vector game. I can't find a cross on that part
though. Anybody can tell what this is, or do I have to wait until I end
buying them again ? :-)
(What I was actually digging for was a 2N3906 to fix my TV, but it doesn't
seem like that's used on any games. 2n3904 [the npn version] I've got a bag
of from Ampliphone repair. Oh well, Rat Shack has them at least. )
Chris Candreva -- chris@westnet.com -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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