My handy cross reference says an S406 crosses to an ECG/NTE5689 or
SK5589. Since your part ISN'T a 40 amp press-fit triac, we can assume
that that cross reference is a dud.
The manufacturer is most likely Central Semiconductor and you already
said you bought it from Mouser, why not just call Mouser and ask? They
might still have your order on file.
Or Central Semiconductor is at or (631)
435-1110. Their website doesn't have a clue about your part, might be
an in-house number or a process number.
"Christopher X. Candreva" wrote:
> Digging through the parts I've bought over the years to fix my games, I ran
> across a bag of transistors with this part on them:
> S406
> and that's best I can read. Bought 1999 from Mouser, before they put
> printed labels on the bag so you cold tell what you bought. I'm 99% sure
> they were to bought to fix a vector game. I can't find a cross on that part
> though. Anybody can tell what this is, or do I have to wait until I end
> buying them again ? :-)
> (What I was actually digging for was a 2N3906 to fix my TV, but it doesn't
> seem like that's used on any games. 2n3904 [the npn version] I've got a bag
> of from Ampliphone repair. Oh well, Rat Shack has them at least. )
> ==========================================================
> Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
> WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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