Gravitar - Sun Orbit Cheat??

From: Steven Winslow <>
Date: Sat Jan 26 2002 - 11:05:49 EST

What exactly is the "sun orbit cheat" on Gravitar ?

Thanks for the insight!


>01:07 AM 1/18/02 EST, you wrote:
> A LONG while back there was discussion about revisiong Empire Strikes
>back to have an "add a shield" routine that would add one shield to the
>player after completing a level. Is anyone still working on this?
> In my opinion, this would make ESB a much better game. In it's current
>form, there is no way to replenish shields. True, you get the limited
>invincibility from getting your Jedi letters, but the ability to gain a
>shield by completing a level would improve the game. Any opinions? Is anyone
>still working on this??
> Also, it would be great if someone could make the "enforcer" ships in
>Gravitar only worth one point, thus eliminating the "sun orbit cheat" and
>force players to play the game as it was intended. Any opinions on this?
>Thank You,
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Received on Sat Jan 26 08:09:04 2002

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