Re: Gravitar - Sun Orbit Cheat??

From: <>
Date: Sun Jan 27 2002 - 00:11:58 EST

In a message dated 1/26/2002 11:10:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< What exactly is the "sun orbit cheat" on Gravitar ?
 Thanks for the insight!
 Steve >>

If you orbit the sun on the planet selection screen in a circle about 2 1/2",
you can hunt the "enforcer" ships that come out of the red planet. This will
use little or no fuel if you orbit correctly. Though it takes quite a while,
you can use this cheat to build up alot of points and extra ships. This could
be eliminated if we could hack the enforcer ship values to only one point
each instead of their current value. I allways hated this cheat - to me,
Gravitar is about conquering planets, not shooting the enforcers...

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Received on Sat Jan 26 21:12:04 2002

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