> Yes, I've been using that program (Thank you!)
> What happend to the I/O loop (40)?
Got lazy... never finished it...
> Not all of the probe functions work properly right?
They functioned, 'just ok', I later found out there was a better
way to
read the probe state, I was just looping on probe. Problem being
its really not a
'accurate' check of it. I should have used a true signature for
it, but I
figured most people dont have that option for their 9010 so I was
around with simple probe counts. I should really send 50 pulses,
then nothing for x ms then
pulse again. If that sequence is ok, then the TP-point is ok.
> I was going to modify your program for Battlezone too.
That would be cool, See if you can embed the mathbox signature
analysis into that for
those of us with the signature adapter.
> But once you have the cross loaded how do you find
> fault in the VSM?
I've got hand scribbles of what the scope traces should be on a
working boardset
for various points in the vsm. I was trying to win an HPIB card
for my PC so I could
get some really nice shots from my DSO to assemble a document for
vsm testing..
But I kept loosing the auctions and the capture sw was pretty
expensive, for what
little research I did that is... I guess I could have just took a
picture of it, but
would have lost the cool, 'look' I can capture the screen on my
pc factor... ;-)
It ended up as another project on the list of things to do....
> Especially if it is not a stuck output?
> Thanks,
> Kev
> >
> > The fluke 9010 Asteroids test script that I wrote
> put up a medium
> > + screen using only
> > the VSM (No CPU) it loaded the vsm directly and
> initiated a go. I
> > use it all the time working on vsm's, maybe someone
> could expand
> > it. I believe John Robertson had it posted in with
> his 9010 test
> > procedure zip. If not, I might have it here at work
> somewhere..
> >
> > TomW
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