Duncan began documenting Asteroids VSM code
> > Not all of the probe functions work properly right?
> They functioned, 'just ok', I later found out there was a better
> way to
Seems to me the 3 I/O selects didn't work properly, but my board did? I'll
review & get back to you on this point.
> That would be cool, See if you can embed the mathbox signature
> analysis into that for
> those of us with the signature adapter.
I'm on the list of those without signature adapters..... I've got the clock
module just no 9010A that supports it.
Can a dedicated Signature Analyzer be used in conjunction with the 9010A? I
belive Peter Fyfe was asking this same question.
> get some really nice shots from my DSO to assemble a document for
> vsm testing..
> But I kept loosing the auctions and the capture sw was pretty
> expensive, for what
> little research I did that is... I guess I could have just took a
> picture of it, but
> would have lost the cool, 'look' I can capture the screen on my
> pc factor... ;-)
Fully understand, I was borrowing works Fluke 196 for caputures but now that
is gone.... (If anyone knows how to capture from a HP54600A scope please
drop me a line!)
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