So the 9010A didn't catch the Vector Ram failure?
Curiosity forced me to pull the schematics, the RAM failure should be caught
by the 9010A, unless you have a problem with one of the 273 latches
The 3 signals that didn't work properly for me using the Flukescript were
> It puts a medium sized PLUS on the screen. I jumper the watchdog
> and let if fly. I was going to put scope patterns in a doc for
> the various test points during the draw but never got around to
> it. What I'd like to do is increase the scaling, and have the vsm
> code put in three different places in the vsm ram. I've run into
> a few cases that it ran fine, but only because it was located low
> in the vsm ram (its such a small pgm it does not fully test the
> vsm address space). The game would die, but the vsm was fine.
> Turns out that one of the high order bits (I forget the chip) was
> out in the vsm ram. So to make this run in low vsm and then again
> in high vsm memory space would be nice. Did anyone ever document
> the vsm command structure ? That would be helpfull, this PLUS is
> from the atari catbox documentation and I just adapted the tests
> to the 9010. On of these day's I'll make it pretty..
> TomW
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