Re: Re: VSM Commands.

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 12:17:52 EST

I put something together a while back.. Maybe I should track it down and post it in case it fills in gaps that other people have found.. Of course, my info hasn't been officially verified in hardware. It was based on all of the information available online along with the disassembly of some vector ROM data.


At 09:38 AM 2/14/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I know a fellow Vectorlist member is working on a very nice document that is
>an upgrade of Duncans with more explanation & corrections. He is traveling
>for work at the moment, which is good as he may have a bit more time to work
>on it. I expect it will be 2 weeks before he is ready to release it yet.
>> Does anyone have another DVG document that I can replace or put up to
>> co-exist with Duncan's doc?
>> jess
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Received on Thu Feb 14 09:16:44 2002

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