Wells-Gardner Service Manual for K6100

From: Jon Raiford <raiford_at_mindspring.com>
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 16:33:25 EST

I was taking a nice close look at Gregg Woodcock's infamous xy monitor doc and noticed that I forgot all about another manual that apparently exists, but that I haven't seen. He states the following:

"Also, if you are lucky enough to have a copy of the Wells-Gardner service manual for this monitor, the parts list on page 31 has an error; it lists C916 as .35uF when it is really .035uF."

Does anyone have this manual scanned in? Or is anyone willing to scan it in? Or willing to send it to me to be scanned in? :) Or has it been available forever and I am just having a brain fart?



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Received on Wed Feb 20 13:33:44 2002

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