Re: Wells-Gardner Service Manual for K6100

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 16:46:49 EST


I was under the impression that Gregg was referring to all three
revisions of the WG6100 manual. Revision 1 and Revision 2 are scanned an
on the net. I don't think the 3rd and final revision is up anywhere

And yes, I will get off my lazy butt and finish the Wells-Gardner 6100
FAQ revision shortly (had to get the Amplifone and G08 documents done
first, right guys? :) Gregg, if you are reading this, drop me an e-mail
as I haven't ever heard a response back from you.


Jon Raiford wrote:
> I was taking a nice close look at Gregg Woodcock's infamous xy monitor doc and noticed that I forgot all about another manual that apparently exists, but that I haven't seen. He states the following:
> "Also, if you are lucky enough to have a copy of the Wells-Gardner service manual for this monitor, the parts list on page 31 has an error; it lists C916 as .35uF when it is really .035uF."
> Does anyone have this manual scanned in? Or is anyone willing to scan it in? Or willing to send it to me to be scanned in? :) Or has it been available forever and I am just having a brain fart?
> Thanks
> Jon
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