I swear, this game is going to be the death of me...
Previously, this game had a bad monitor, but would play "blind" when
the monitor was disconnected, and the P/S was outputting the correct DC
voltages - +25V, -25V, and +5V. (I didn't check the 6.3VAC filament
voltage at the time.) It has since been sitting disconnected for some
Having acquired a replacement monitor to put in its place, I decided to
plug the game in and check the voltages once again _before_ connecting up
the new monitor... and now, the game does NOT play blind; all it would do
was sound a continuous thrust/explosion sound from the speakers. Just as I
got a pair of VOM probes on the GND and +25V pins on the connecter to check
voltages, a couple of the diodes across the transformer terminals went
*POW*, the sound board went *SQWWWwwweeeeeeppp.....* and that was the end
of that.
So, now the power supply needs repair, I guess. The schematics I have
been able to find are for "Condor" and "National Power Technologies"
versions of the supply... however, the one I have in my cabinet claims to
have been made by "Xentec". Anyone know where I can find a schematic for
it, or if it's the same as the Condor or NPT models? (Granted, it's a
linear supply, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, but I figure
there's no reason not to ask before I go digging. :) )
"So I ask again: What was it you hoped to teach us? It occurs to me that
maybe you just wanted us to know the depths of your hatred. If that's the
case, consider the message received. And take this message in exchange:
You don't know my people. You don't know what we're capable of. You don't
know what you just started.
But you're about to learn."
--(Leonard Pitts jr., newspaper columnist, Sept. 12th, 2001)
solarfox@DON'TMESSWITHtexas.net (Gary Akins jr.)
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