Re: more SPACE WARS problems...

From: Mark Jenison <>
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 23:08:38 EST

> So, now the power supply needs repair, I guess. The schematics I have
> been able to find are for "Condor" and "National Power Technologies"
> versions of the supply... however, the one I have in my cabinet claims to
> have been made by "Xentec". Anyone know where I can find a schematic for
> it, or if it's the same as the Condor or NPT models? (Granted, it's a
> linear supply, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, but I figure
> there's no reason not to ask before I go digging. :) )

The schematics for this power supply are on wiretap. Look under Tailgunner
schematics, I think that's where I found them when I was looking for the
same schematics for my Tailgunner (which incidentally had the same problem
you described; two diodes, IN4003s, banded ends toward the center tap, blew
up on mine).

Mark Jenison
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Received on Wed Feb 20 21:05:51 2002

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