>If I recall correctly, there are two vector chips that need to be
>installed in a LL. One of them contains nothing but vectors, and the other
>has both vectors AND code, if you're missing a chip, this is probably the
You mean the ROMs at N/P3 and R3? Nice idea, but when I originally had the
1st of the two LL boards working in test mode it was fine with *just* B1 in
place, no intense flickering and flashes of 'lightning', etc - just a nice,
steady image displaying the box with the cross in it. Then, all of a
sudden, in between removing and re-inserting the board (and straightening
out a couple of pins at the back) it developed this fault. The same fault
as the 2nd board had as I discovered when I looked at that yesterday.
Putting in the rest of the EPROMs doesn't help, but putting in R3 causes
the screen to go completely blank (on both boards) yet the test continues
to run (you can hear it and see the LEDs illuminating as they should, etc).
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Received on Sun Feb 24 01:50:13 2002
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