Re: Rom compatiblity on Cinematronics boards??

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 00:46:16 EST

Most likely a speed issue, see if you can find a listing of the Eproms and
their rated speeds...I suspect you will find the AMDs are slower than the
working ones...

John :-#)#

At 12:02 AM 02/04/2002 -0500, wrote:
> I've found that my Cinematronics Star Castle board will only accept
> certain 2716's - it will work fine with Hitachi or Fairchild, but won't
> run a set of good AMD 2716's with the same images. Can anyone explain how
> these are strapped, and why the AMD's won't run? Also, what does the
> manual mean when it says to "see dwg. 2150 for prom info"? I'm not seeing
> a drawing 2150 in my Star Castle book.
>Please help if you can,
>Thank You,
>Michael Kelley

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