Vectorlist Archives By Subject
- 90 and 100-degree tubes
- Amplifone CRT and yoke on eBay.
- Amplifone HV
- Ampliphone Question: MC-1
- another asteroids question
- Anyone have a current e-mail address for Jeff Hendrix??
- Asteroid bug on 10th score
- Asteroids monitor question
- Asteroids Rev 5&6 schematics - more!
- Atari Cat Box questions
- Black Widow PCB mods
- Bul k buy on Wintron flybacks)
- Bulk buy on Wintron flybacks
- Bulk buy on Wintron flybacks)
- BZFlag
- Cinematronics HV supply problem
- Cinematronics Starhawk
- Cosmic Chasm Overlay update #91
- Cosmic Chasm overlays revisited
- DIY HV Transformer
- Fasteners needed for deflection board on WG19V2000 monitor
- FS: Quantum marquees
- G05 transistor crosses
- G08 F400 Blows
- Hardware Diagnostics Tests on a Star Wars board, how does it work?
- I need a card cage for star trek
- Inverting just one axis on an Asteroids board
- Joe's MC1 replacement
- lv2000 url?
- MC1 replacement test (was: Amplifone CRT and yoke on eBay.)
- MPSU07 and MPSU56/7
- My Star Wars on ebay :(
- Need G08 Focus Wire
- OT:WTD Fluke Pod.
- Performing Hardware Diagnostics Tests on Star Wars, f ixed matrix errors
- Performing Hardware Diagnostics Tests on Star Wars, fixed matrix errors
- Please help with Gravitar signature analysis
- please reply
- Possibly important
- Question about cinematronics monitor - neon bulbs
- Rom compatiblity on Cinematronics boards??
- Sega Star Trek pcb set needed.
- Simple cinematronics question
- Speaking of bulk buys
- Star Trek Cockpit Questions
- Star Wars Death Star explosion - Ground and 5V
- Star Wars Death Star explosion - Ground and 5V jumper cables
- Star Wars NOS set on ebay
- Star Wars PCb parts question
- Star Wars Vector has jittery picture, shakiness on sc reen
- Star Wars Vector has jittery picture, shakiness on screen
- Tailgunner coin door wiring
- Tempest CPU problems...
- Tempest WG6101
- The magic HV unit
- Tubes that can be used to replace an Ampliphone tube
- WG 6100 GRY wire
- WG 6100 P323 GRY
- WG6100 - no picture.
- WG6100 - no picture. - ok, this is weird....
- WG6101 (Tempest) minor stuff
- What happened to Kirby Gowland and the Star Wars stuff?
- WTB/Trade for start button bezel.
- WTB: Asteroids cocktail glass clips/corners
- WTB: SW and BW parts
- x-y tube reference
- Last message date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 10:40:02 EDT
- Archived on: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 00:34:01 EDT