RE: Re: Bulk buy on Wintron flybacks

From: Bachmann, Joe C <>
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 10:09:12 EDT

The 25" is 19kv; however you do usually need to turn up the pot to get it to
19kv. The 25" probably has more resistance?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Robertson []
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Re: Bulk buy on Wintron flybacks

If anyone has a 25" colour Vector monitor and a good HV probe I'd
appreciate a reading...I would rather limit the HV to around 20KV, but
Ampliphone doesn't mention the rated HV in the manuals I have for the 25
inch tubes.

19Inch tubes are 19.5KV...

John :-#)#

At 02:04 AM 18/04/2002 -0500, Rodger Boots wrote:
>Zonn wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:18:16 -0700, John Robertson <>
> wrote:
> >
> > >Yes, no, maybe.... ;-) Revisions cost time/money. I'll see though.
> Would it
> > >be better to cut out if one of the two deflections fails? Or only if
> > >croak? As I anticipate this will draws it's power from the deflection
> > >supply, if the Positive supply fails then so would the HV cage.
> > >
> > >An LED on the cage would be nice to show that at least it has some
> power...
> >
> > Let me ask this, would this power supply have the 25kv over voltage
> protection
> > required by law? If so, this would be a good place to add more disable
> logic
> > since there is logic already there to disable the supply.
> >
> > If it doesn't, then this supply could not be used in build new
> monitors, though
> > as a hobbyist HV supply, it can probably be sold, since at that point
> you are
> > offering just an HV supply, and the buyer can do whatever they want
> with it --
> > though people buying these should be careful to set the voltage below
> 25kv when
> > installing them. Voltages above 25kv generate X-rays.
> >
> > -Zonn
>Voltages above 16,000 generate X-rays, color CRTs have leaded glass to
>control that.
>The power supplies being replaced seem to be mostly 19.5 KV. If they
>make it to 25 KV X-rays won't be the only problem!
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Received on Fri Apr 19 07:17:48 2002

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