Re: Re: Bulk buy on Wintron flybacks

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 09:47:53 EDT

I had the same thought. If the only problem with replacing the 6100 HV transformer was it's power requirements, we could see about using 120v. This would also let us use Atari raster power supplies instead of the hard to find vector ones (when restoring an ugly conversion). Unless we decided to go with a switcher + amplifier to replace the power entirely.


At 11:40 PM 4/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Zonn" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 5:05 PM
>Subject: Re: VECTOR: Re: Bulk buy on Wintron flybacks
>Hi folks! As some here may know, I fix TV's for a living.
>I have saved many flybacks off sets, and wrote down the pin-outs (I can post this again
>if needed) I can do some experiments...
>> The best fix would be to find a replacement for the WG HV transformer (its
>> different from a standard raster flyback HV in that it runs with a ~48v primary,
>> and doesn't need the kickback of the yoke to reach 19.5kv).
>Give me a few weeks, I have a WG 6100 HV supply to play with.
>I want to:
>1:make it run off 120VDC directly (not too hard, replace/change some part values?!)
>2:mod it so it runs isolated (the transformer itself may not allow this)
>3:try to hack in one of my pulled transformers out of TV's
>BTW, anyone have a spare WG6100 HV supply to sell? I don't care if the flyback is toast,
>but it should be complete(full cage+board)
>I also need to get a WG6100 Yoke too-I have nothing to trade vector related,
>we can work it out...
>My goal is HV with raw 120VAc in, non isolated; the B+ should not need to be regulated either!
>Many TV transformers are quite cheap, often $20-30, but some can be $80 or so...
>Oh, I read earlier about maybe using an ignition coil out of a car? I think the coil
>will not work at a high enough frequency for smooth power;
>HV can only be generated each "pulse" and power will sag between them...
>> With a replacement WG HV and a focus assembly the rest of the circuit is
>> standard design and can be updated using newer parts.
>> The results would be a drop in HV cage replacement for any X/Y monitor. (And
>> then all we'd need is a yoke wound and...)
>Well, not "drop in" but maybe a parts list and mod instructions?!
>> Cost? Probably around $200 (depending upon the price of the HV transformer and
>> focus units, and case).
>> The third solution would be to find a standard raster flyback Xfmr that has the
>> built in Focus assembly, and design new electronics around it. The problem
>> would be that it would still be about $200, but would now require a separate
>> isolation transformer.
>Maybe not-some TV's use the Flyback for isolation. The main drive winding is
>usually not connected to ANY output windings and runs off a "hot"130V B+
>The whole drive system runs on this hot ground, feedback can be through an opto,or
>a small aux free floating winding.
>Isolation may not really be a problem anymore since most TV's now use a switching supply
>for the B+ and almost all supplies...maybe a switching supply could be used?!
>I will post back results...
>Aaron Howald
>AKA Vector Viper
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Received on Fri Apr 12 06:55:12 2002

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