Tailgunner coin door wiring

From: Mark Jenison <jenison_at_enteract.com>
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 11:11:33 EST

Hi all,

I have a Tailgunner but the connections to he coin door have been
removed. Can someone send me the wiring for this thing?

There seems to be 1 wire that is a jumper from one coin switch to the
other (has no other external connections to it).

There is a three pin connector going to the coin doors 6 switch inputs. I
would have expected to see 1 ground wire going to the common on one coin
switch, then jumpered to the other. Then I suspect the other two wires go
to the NO on the two coin switches. That would mean he floating wire
would connect the two switches NC connections, but I'm not sure what the
purpose of that would be.

If someone could verify this wiring on their Tailgunner, I'd appreciate
it. Thanks.

Mark Jenison
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Received on Wed Apr 3 08:16:34 2002

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