Please help with Gravitar signature analysis

From: <>
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 22:35:46 EDT


     I was wondering if someone might be able to help me use my SA to fix a
Graviitar board. Page 2-5 of the game manual shows a description of the
Vector Generator Diagnostic program. Where would I put the CLK, Stop, and
Start lines for each of the tests?
     I was able to use the schem instructions to check the address decoder
and bus signatures using the instructions on schem page 12A. All sigs check
out fine here. However, do I use this same setup to get the signatures for
the rest of the board?
     Can someone please tell me how I should use the Vector Diganostics tests
(1 through 6) listed on page 2-5 of the game manual? What setup would I use
to get the signatures listed on sheet 7A of the schems?

Any help would be appreciated!
Thank You,
Michael Kelley


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