Swap in your questionable MC-1 and you'll have your answer.
FZZAP@aol.com wrote:
> Hi ,
> Question on testing the MC-1 and the transformer on the HV board.
> Can they be tested using a multimeter? I just replaced all the
> transistors, caps reg's and BU406D on my HV unit. I have been having
> problems with the 24v regs and 406d blowing along with C-4 cap. I
> changed all these parts long with swaping the transformer and MC-1
> with another boards.
> The HV unit began working fine. My problem is one of the two parts
> must be bad but I am not sure if its the MC-1 or the Trans. I know
> these are hard to come by and do not want to discard the wrong one.
> Thanks for any help you can give me
> Frank
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Received on Fri Apr 12 23:19:43 2002
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