Re: The magic HV unit

From: Zonn <>
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 13:57:50 EDT

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:53:34 -0500, "Bachmann, Joe C" <>

>It has been mentioned that the yoke needs to be tuned to the HV unit.

Not quite, what was mention was that the HV transformer in the Amplifone HV
needs to be tuned to the MC1 (Magic Can 1?). This applies to Amplifones only.

The WG HV xfmrs don't have this requirement.

But in raster monitors the kickback (or "flyback") of the yoke is used to pulse
the flyback transformer. Without the yoke, the drop in HV coming from the
flyback transformer can be substantial (as I understand it, I haven't tried

I believe John Robertson's hack uses a raster HV, I thought I remember reading
(and it's been a few years, I'd have to research the google.groups history),
that he kept the yoke from the raster monitor as part of his hack.

Did I get this right John?

>should not be the case in a color vector monitor; because the deflection
>board runs the yoke and is completely independent of the HV unit.

That certainly is true!

>I was going to try making a HV unit from a WG 7000. This has a focus
>assembly already on it.

That might be a good place to start. The challenge is going to be to design a
circuit that generates the proper HV *without* the yoke.

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