Re: Atari Cat Box questions

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 22:23:07 EDT

If there is sufficient interest I could build a few of these adapters. The
6809, 6808/2, 6800, Z80, and 6502 are fairly simple to reproduce...the
Z8002 is the pain...but I am still working on getting the PROM code for it
so someone can make the adapter. This adapter would probably also work for
the Fluke, by the way!

If someone else wants to take on the task I have the pods for these and can
show the individual how to do the job, you just need a small PCB with a
bunch of cross-over circuits to re-layout the CPU end to match the CPU
desired to plug into. This unit does NOT emulate, nor does it run the game
under test (unlike the Fluke 9XXX or Arium test fixtures) still the
Checksum feature and RAM test are fairly handy, if Atari had used shielded
cables it might have been more useful, as it is I suspect that if one made
up better cables - similar to the high end Fluke cables on those pods, then
the RAM tests would be more useful...certainly FASTER than the Fluke!

I would be happy to continue the discussion in the Techtools List...I have
a bit of experience with the CAT boxes...

John :-#)#

At 09:06 AM 26/04/2002 -0400, Kev wrote:
>It can be used on any 8 or 16 bit processor you have an adapter for.
>I've owned a Z80 adapter & used it on Pac-Man.
>Supposedly there are 6809, Z8002 adapters available too but good luck
>finding them.
>Be sure to have (or install) the checksum feature.

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